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Literatur > Creative License: The Art of Gestalt Therapy

Edition: illustrated edition
Publisher: Springer
Year of publication: 2003
ISBN: 3211839011
1 Kommentar

Kommentare und Bewertungen zu diesem Buch

Creativity, traditionally seen as a special gift of remarkable and exceptional personalities, is considered in Gestalt therapy to be a quality of spontaneous adaptation in interpersonal processes, as well as an important ingredient of healthy social living. This revolutionary concept of creativity is approached in the book from three aspects: the theoretical foundations, the healing relationship, and applications to certain social issues, such as the couple's relationship, treating psychosis and understanding children's suffering.

The authors are among the most relevant contemporary Gestalt psychotherapists and researchers. Their contributions, solid representations of American and European reflections on the theme, bridge a divide between continents and reflect the productive discourse among schools of Gestalt therapy today. Edited by two experienced Gestalt psychotherapy trainers, this book is not only addressed to professionals, but also to all those who make art and curiosity about human nature an important aspect of their lives.
Dr. phil. M.A. Nancy Amendt-Lyon

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